From the beginning...
It all started with a post on the local forum, "DUCKLINGS FOR SALE." Don't have to tell me twice. That night I brought home seven Pekin ducklings. It's been a wild adventure since.
I'm 27 and live on my little "funny farm" in the great state of Vermont. I work at a childcare center in a nearby town. I take incredible pride in my relationship with my animals and look forward to sharing the trials and tribulations of our world.
Keep up with all my latest adventures, find inspiration, and grow with me!
Anyone who has ever owned poultry or waterfowl may use the term "chicken math", which applies when the flock grows exponentially, more or less. On the other hand, there is also the risk of predators, diseases, and other natural causes that can minimize the flock.
I have had to start over from my original duck and chicken flocks completely.
The coop currently houses...
Four Ducks-one Khaki Campbell (Coco) and three Pekins (to be named, they're new to the group!)
Seven Chickens-One Black Australorp, One Barred Rock, One Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, Two Easter Eggers, a Buff, and a barnyard mix rooster named Arnold.
I am proud to offer a variety of colorful eggs.
"What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us." -Helen Keller
In Loving Memory of Pearl
Our Family